Your motor bike insurance policy is one of the most crucial documents to keep safe. There may be times when you are thoughtless and misplace or even lose them. When you buy a two-wheeler, the policy paper that you receive contains all of the information concerning the plan you’ve chosen, and it’s possible that you’ll lose it. You may have even looked for it multiple times without success. You should be aware that a two-wheeler insurance policy is an important document that you must carry with you while riding your bike on public roads.
Procedure for Obtaining a Duplicate Insurance Policy Document:
The only option you have now is to request a duplicate insurance policy document from your two-wheeler insurance provider. However, obtaining a duplicate copy of the document is not as simple as it appears. To apply for a duplicate document, you must first complete the following steps:
- Run an advertisement
You can run an ad about it in the local newspaper that is circulated in the area where your insurance policy went missing. Inside this advertisement, you might state that you’ve misplaced your two-wheeler policy document and request that anyone who finds it kindly return it to you. In the advertising, you can include your address and contact information.
- Secure an indemnity bond
An indemnity bond is a final document required in the application for duplicate insurance policy paperwork. It must be notarised and executed in favour of the insurance company on non-judicial stamp paper.
- Submit an FIR (First Information Report)
Not every general insurance provider will require you to file a police report for your misplaced bike insurance policy document. However, this procedure will make obtaining a duplicate copy considerably easier.
Once you have obtained the three documents listed above, you can apply for a duplicate of your two-wheeler insurance policy. You must submit an application to your favourite insurance carrier and request that they issue it. Check the application again to ensure that you have written the correct policy number, kind of insurance cover, policyholder’s name, and issuance date. Then, gather the FIR, the indemnification bond, and the newspaper advertisement and attach them to the application. Keep copies of the application in a safe place for future reference. If the two-wheeler insurance coverage is issued in a joint name, both joint policyholders must sign the application.
The policy paper contains all of the crucial information about your insurance policy. It also includes all of the terms and conditions, as well as the exclusions and inclusions, which you must carefully study. It is illegal to ride/drive a bike without valid insurance coverage, just as carrying a driver’s licence wherever is required while riding/driving. It’s an important part of how to claim insurance for bikes. The paperwork will be required if you need to register a car insurance online claim after an accident. If you are caught riding your two-wheeler without one, you will face penalties, or, in the worst-case scenario, you may be imprisoned.
Even if your policy has expired, do not go around with it; instead, make sure it is renewed on time by paying the bike insurance premium. Avoid being forgetful and misplacing your insurance policy in the first place, as it is a vital document, and you will avoid all of the above-mentioned problems. Even if you do, if you follow the methods outlined in this article, you should be able to obtain a duplicate copy of your document.
A helpful thing to do is click photos of your policy documents and upload them online on the government Digi Locker. This will ensure that you do not always have to carry the hard copy of the policy with you, and you can carry a soft copy that is acceptable to the police. Check your state laws for particulars about vehicle documents.
Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. For more details on benefits, exclusions, limitations, terms, and conditions, please read the sales brochure/policy wording carefully before concluding a sale.